Blood pressure is basically the measurement of the pressure that has been exerted on the arteries and vessels of human body. Monitoring of the blood pressure is very important these days because high or low blood pressure quietly damages the arteries and brain vessels. Wrist blood pressure monitor provides the accurate results it would be used as per the guide lines. However, if a person or a patient isnt using it as per the direction then it might not show the accurate results. To get the accurate result, the arm and wrist of the patient should be equivalent to the heart level otherwise it wont give the accurate results. Body position do matters a lot if you are monitoring the blood pressure through wrist blood pressure monitor. As these monitors are highly sensitive to the position of body. Moreover, wrist blood pressure monitor is preferable for those patients who have long hands because they feel painful with the conventional way of monitoring blood pressure so, wrist blood pressure monitor is perfect for those people. Although, the slighter can always be observed if you check the blood pressure from the different blood pressure machines. Patient should use the validated device to keep monitor their blood pressure. However, standard upper arm blood pressure monitoring machine is perfect for the observing the blood pressure. Wrist blood pressure monitor requires a lot of effort and concentration to provide the accurate results.
Pros and cons of wrist blood pressure monitors:
Wrist blood pressure monitors are less expensive than the standard upper arm blood pressure monitors but never compromise when it comes to health. Standard upper arm blood pressure machine always gives the accurate results. However, Omron BP monitor does not provide the accurate results if your wrist and arm isnt placed equal to the level of heart as other positions will definitely effects the results. Wrist blood pressure machine is small is size so, it can be carried out easily this is the advantage of the wrist blood pressure monitor. Wrist blood pressure monitor does not have any reliability so, one should consider the standard upper arm blood pressure monitor to get the accurate results. Placement of hand determines the result of the blood pressure monitor this is simply useless machine. Moreover, wrist blood pressure machine only measures the pressure of small vessel that makes the result doubted.
In some specific cases, wrist blood pressure is perfect for monitoring. However, standard blood pressure monitor is perfect in scenarios and it always give the accurate results. We recommend people to buy standard blood pressure machine for perfect values.